You can
to make a difference today.

Become a Member

CAPS is a coalition of churches and Christian organizations who jointly fund and direct CAPS. Member churches or organizations contribute financially to CAPS, act as members of the Board, provide volunteers, and collaborate with CAPS to share information and resources. You can make a difference today by joining forces with CAPS to bring real relief to Suffolk residents in need.

Volunteer or Work for CAPS

Can you fix a car? Help with house repairs? We can use you! Join our volunteer team and we will contact you when one of our clients has a need that you may be able to help with.

Our efforts to alleviate poverty in Suffolk are only possible through a growing force of volunteers willing to use their skills and time to show love to their neighbors in need.

Volunteer Openings

Want to be a part of a great cause in our community? Join our team! Download the position description below and see if you might be a good fit.

If you are interested, please download and fill out the volunteer application below and email it to gro.kloffuspac@rotcerid.

Job Openings

If there are current employment opportunities they will be listed below. Please download the PDF for details. For inquiries about this position, please email gro.kloffuspac@ofni.

Jerome was struggling to make ends meet and fell behind on rent. CAPS staff connected him to a local work program where he could earn income, begin to build his resume, and learn new skills. Jerome immediately took advantage of the opportunity and with bus vouchers from CAPS, he began to work part time. Jerome now has obtained a second part time job and is pursuing greater financial stability.
Your donation will help a family get off the street and into a home. Your gift will help provide jobs and set individuals on a path to success. You can make a difference right now.