March 16, 2020
Fellow CAPS members,
I wanted to provide you with a brief update since we will not be meeting tonight.
Our executive team has been working diligently over the past several days to determine how we can best continue our CAPS mission while aligning as best possible with the unprecedented actions being taken by every level of government leadership to try to slow the spread of the COVID19 virus. Our executive team, CAPS Director and Night Stay Leader met electronically yesterday to formulate a plan of action to address our downtown office and night stay operations for the next two weeks.
Downtown Offices: We will be suspending “walk ins” for the next two weeks but otherwise provide ALL other essential services. Downtown offices will be closed with a notice posted to call and leave messages. Our staff will largely be working remotely and will restrict “face to face” time to scheduled appointments only. Scheduled appointments will be made at the discretion of our director and limited to those necessary. Staff will be present on site twice weekly to check things like fax transmissions and mail that cannot be accessed remotely.
Night Stay: NS will continue for the next two weeks. NS will conclude at JRCC this week, continue to Liberty Springs and then conclude at Suffolk Christian. Like many other “shelters”, NS operations will operate under the “Interim Guidance” and “Cleaning & disinfection” guidance provided by the CDC. Our NS leadership will ensure this guidance is adhered to and visibly posted at each of our church sites hosting this very important ministry.
We will be monitoring the situation and our team stands ready to address our policy should conditions change and dictate the need.
Our team feels these measures will be those that will allow us to responsibly serve our community, continue our mission and be the rock and the light that our creator and saviour calls us to be. If anyone desires further information on this decision I will be available this week to discuss.
Please remain in prayer for those affected by this virus, our health care workers, our first responders, our missionaries, our leadership at every level, our church leadership, our clients, our volunteers and for new hearts to turn to the truth and to receive the breath of life. We are aware, we are responsible but fear has no foothold.
Thank you all for your faithful service to CAPS.
Our next scheduled meeting for our full board will be held on May 18th, 7pm at our regular meeting location (Perfecting Saints COGIC).
In His Service,
Don Leverone
President, CAPS