Read the latest news and resources from CAPS.

September Update

CAPS GOOD NEWS REPORTWe have been blessed over the past couple of months to help participate in the VERP (Virginia Eviction Reduction Pilot) program in conjunction with ForKids and the Virginia Legal Aid Society. This has been a great boon for landlords as tenants who...

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CAPS July Update

CAPS GOOD NEWS REPORT Have you ever witnessed or counseled someone who was so affected they almost immediately read Scripture to you? This happened to Deandra last week as she was speaking at length with a gentleman who came in seeking help with "everything." He was...

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Staff Spotlight – Mary Sue

If you haven’t already, please meet our amazing director, Mary Sue Rawls! We truly love Mary Sue (you will see the art workand notes by staff on her door on the pictures below!)  We asked Mary Sue to answer a couple questions for us, and to give us...

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Staff Spotlight – Alexa

Please meet our lovely Alexa! Alexa has been at CAPS for 6 months and became an intern in May. She serves mainly as our director’s assistant, but does many different tasks around the office…. and she does her tasks with excellence.  She found us while searching...

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Staff Spotlight – Hannah

Hannah has served at CAPS for about two and half years now. She started as a Service Coordinator. She was on our service team for about two years, and now she has moved to managing all the digital aspects of CAPS – social media, data entry, and referrals through our...

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Staff Spotlight – Janice

If you haven’t already, please meet our lovely Jan Pruden. Jan served CAPS this winter as our night stay coordinator, and is now fulfilling her role as a service coordinator. She is an amazing asset to our team! We asked Jan to answer a couple questions, and to give...

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These Are the Days of Elijah, Part 4

These Are the Days of Elijah, Part 4

This week we finished our study with Priscilla Shirer, Elijah: Faith and Fire. We have enjoyed learning much about ourselves studying Elijah, but so much more about the God we serve and how He works. Here are just some of the things we learned: He cares for us.He...

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These Are the Days of Elijah, Part 3

These Are the Days of Elijah, Part 3

“Impossibility is God’s starting point. The people who live and work around you, even the ones who only infrequently pass in and out of your life—each of them needs to know that ‘with God all things are possible.’ (Matt. 19:26) Part of your privilege as His child is...

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These Are the Days of Elijah, Part 2

These Are the Days of Elijah, Part 2

In continuing our study of Elijah using Priscilla Shirer’s study, we are learning how God prepares us for service by separating us from something, someone, or someplace. Elijah: Faith and Fire, Priscilla Shirer, p. 47. We have all identified things that we need to...

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